I am honored to have my daughter at such a beautiful school where the love of learning is encouraged in an inspired way on a daily basis. Actual knowledge can be given through multiple modalities, books, computers, lectures, etc, but love of learning is a very hard thing to pass along, and this is priceless. The guides at the school are selfless in their love of the children and their teaching of life skills and academic ones at a high level. It reminds me of the saying, 'give a man a fish and they will eat for a day, teach him to fish and he will eat for a lifetime'. CMS specializes in teaching children how to learn to learn in an independent manner, so through their guided lessons, they are shifting the impetus of learning from themselves to the children. Essentially, passing along all the tools for the students to be able to do everything for themselves, and creating lifelong inspired learners through an andragogical model where adults collaborate with children instead of ordering them around. This prepares children for the adult world so that they can be the creative leaders of tomorrow, quite literally teaching them to 'learn for a lifetime'. I couldn't be happier with my daughter's school environment or her teachers ('guides').