My words are very simply spoken. John greeted me as I walked in the door. John made me feel at ease as he took my info. down. We started a intelligent conversation that was another factor in my feeling at ease as a 1st time client. I then meet Debra and could tell she was very involved with her business, telling me with pride about Richard and their new facility under construction down the street. She was wonderful to speak with and I appreciate her spending time speaking with me. And I would also like to say that Richard equally made me feel at ease too. How many owners do you know that come out of their office and introduce themselves and look you in he eye, shake your hand and say welcome and that he appreciates my business? He also made it a point to come outside and talk and admire my little hot rod truck with me. I say that this type of service is NOT dead and I hope all your intelligent clients let others know this! Thanks again to John, Debra and Richard and your employees for making my 1st experience "easy".. I'll return!