I have reached depths in my acting, while studying with Michelle Danner (Edgemar Center, formerly called Larry Moss Studio) that I didn't previously know existed. My imagination has opened up new worlds to me! I have found, through the teaching of this amazing top Hollywood acting coach, a profound awareness of the world around me. I now have an understanding of human behavior that is invaluable. I know how to break the script down, analyze it, humanize it, invest in it and grow from it. And I learned these skills in Michelle's Golden Box seminar and scene study class. I remember studying at other respected schools where, if the actor didn't get the instructors' teaching, it meant they had no talent. I've now realized those teachers just weren't very good. But in Michelle's classes, every major acting method is taught (including The Meisner technique, the Stanislavsky Technique, and Lee Strasberg Method) and you use what works FOR YOU.\r
I studied with many respected acting teachers before Michelle - but there is simply no comparison to depth of the teaching that comes from Michelle Danner.