My experience was a very positive one from the start. Yes, it can cost, but so does my physician who does not bill insurance by the way, and my attorney ($400 per hour). I came to Dr. Steinberg with anxiety, migraines (several per week), sleep problems, and depression. I wanted to avoid going back on medications which I tried years ago and they just seemed to fog my brain and dull my senses. I got immediate relief from the anxiety surrounding a breakup and financial issues when Dr. Steinberg used VT technology (forgot the official name) and tapping. This was an amazing experience, and he told me if I had any reccurrance he could help me over the phone, which he did on two other ocassions when I needed help. As far as the biofeedback goes it worked for me. I stopped getting migraines after about 6 or 7 sessions. I started sleeping better too. It took a few more and I started feeling more light hearted, not so dark about things. I really started looking forward to going there for the neuro-feedback (it's what they do there kind of like biofeedback). All in all a satisfying experience and I feel good after years of not feeling good! I felt that Dr. Steinberg cared about my well being and his staff were professional and friendly. He was also able to get my insurance to pay for most of my treatment, which was great.\r