Dr. Zhou is honest, friendly, wise, and a very experienced acupuncturist. I know several people who have had great results from visiting Ren He Tang. My sister in law, close friend, nephew, and I have all had great results from acupuncture with Dr. Zhou. He evaluates your situation and gives an honest opinion of whether he thinks he can help you or not. The treatment results are awesome and pricing is very reasonable. I went to him for back pain relief and after 8 treatments was cured! My sister in law is very happy with the infertility acupuncture treatments she received (she has a 1 yr old :) ). My friend is going for acupuncture because of anxiety issues and she is doing much better now. My nephew who is a varsity soccer player went to Dr. Zhou for a sport's injury last year and the treatments helped him a lot as well. Great doctor and I highly recommend him.