I purchased a car in February 2011 from Ron Tonkin Hyundai. A sensor has been on since I purchased the vehicle indicating the Tire Pressure Monitoring System has a malfunction. At 44,000+ miles I took the vehicle in to Town and Country Hyundai to have it fixed while still under warranty. I was informed by Town and Country Hyundai the wheels/sensors on my car would not work with the cars computer as they were not the same year as the vehicle. Meaning my 'NEW' car was not really new at all and had previous years wheels installed. I would imagine it is against the law to sell a vehicle as new when the parts on the vehicle are from previous years. When I informed the Ron Tonkin Hyundai of the issue they basically told me tough luck and there was nothing they were going to do even though the car is under warranty and was sold to me as a 'NEW' car. I am quite baffled at the whole situation. Go to a different dealership and do yourself a favor. Now i have to go throught the DOJ to get this done.\r