A very important cable came loose and caused me to lose all power in the middle of a busy street. Not even a half a mile away from the shop. it hadn't even been 10 mins after i left the shop. It took an hour for the tow truck to show up. Get back to the shop they cant find the problem till i go back and show them what cable it was. They say they are going to fix it. so i go back into the lobby and then he comes out and asks me to at least pay the tow charge because they are fixing a problem they made worse to begin with for free. He tried to say it was because it was done "shotty" by the previous owner of the vehicle. But i have owned this vehicle for over a year and not one problem with that cable. He said that it was going to happen in the future anyways. his excuse to try and get me to pay the tow fee. I asked him what do you think the chances are that the person doing the repair knocked that cable loose while working in that same area as the cable and didn't notice. He said that "could" have happened. In my eyes that is what happen. lets look at the facts: they were working in the same area the cable came loose, I lost all power less then a half a mile away from the shop, I had just left the shop less then 10 mins after and my vehicle dies completely. Even if the the cable was going to come loose in the future that is the future we can cross that bridge then. But they are the reason i had to cross that bridge now. I don't appreciate them trying to make me feel bad and how they tried to place the blame on someone else. I feel like it was a B.S. excuse they made up to get more money out of me because i am a women who doesn't know any better. So women if you are going to bring your car into them don't fall for there B.S excuses know your stuff. So not only did they try to rip me off but i lost out on very valuable hours at work because of them. And they had the Gaul to try and make me feel bad, now that is B.S!