I went there knowing what part of my problems were. They are very good I am having the side effects ut doing tests on you, but very unorganized. The Dr that I go to, his last name starts with a F, I don't feel right saying his name...but he is very ditzy! He never remembers what I am there for, he tells me there is no way I am having the side effects that I am having, and discourages me from reducing the dose, even after knowing that I am scared of becoming an addict! I hadn't fully explained my pain before he put me on Oxycontin, 20mg every 12 hours, and oxycodone 15mg every 4 to six hours as needed. For all of you that don't know this...it's great for certain pain, but that tiny pill ruins lives, and relationships with family, friends...basically EVERYONE!!! I am so glad that they help me but I definitely feel like they PUSH the drugs, and try to get money from your insurance ANY way that they can. Oh and they also love to try and talk you into surgeries, and ""procedures""