Be sure to get an insurance estimate before you go in. The final bill was nauseating. On top of it all going to deductible, which was undisclosed to me at the time of service, Affiliated Dermatology charged me two copays for my daughter and toddler to be seen in one appointment slot, although it only took 30 seconds to tell me nothing could be done for the youngest. Then, the billing staff (Shannon) blamed the insurance company for charging 2 copays! Shannon also argued that there was no way to give a prior estimate. How do other doctors' offices do this? No matter what industry you work in, if you are expecting average americans to pay $500 for an hour's worth of work, that needs to be disclosed prior to work. In the end, Shannon was fine with me leaving the phone upset, so it must be normal practice for them. Unprofessional and unethical. I imagine these are reasons we have problems with the medical industry in the US and why doctors need to be managed, (but I'm sure Affiliated Dermatalogy would just blame the insurance companies.)