Avenues Pet Clinic saved my cat's life. We were new in town and didn't have a vet in Cheyenne yet; it was late in the evening on a Saturday but they were able to see us right away since it was an emergency. Sam was urinating blood and lethargic; they immediately admitted him to their animal hospital and were able to run a blood panel right then since they have a lab right there. He stayed with the vets there for 2 nights and on the third morning, after we initially thought that he wouldn't even make it to the veterinary clinic to be treated, Sam was back to himself, eating and purring and walking around. Their prices were very fair--we thought our bill was going to be at least twice what it was, but it was very affordable and the staff and doctors were so nice. We have been back for Sam's regular checkups and to have him declawed, and every time we have been so impressed. We won't see any other veterinarian!