Derrek Milo Pickett (a.k.a user ""Davey J."" a.k.a. ""Rick J."" on this site and other sites) is an ex-employee who worked for us for 11 days. He was fired for trying to start a physical fight with his supervisor. He was also angry with us because we would not pay him under the table so that he could avoid child support garnishments. He was paid in full. We have documentation that proves this. Derrek repeatedly tried to get rehired by us. We said no. He became angrier. He then turned to harassing us by email and phone demanding that we pay him 2 years of pay and rehire him. He has told us that he will not stop harassing us, unless we pay. On moral principal, we will not give in to this extortion and as a consequence Mr. Pickett has taken to the internet to attack us and make false statements about our company. He has posted this and similar comments under various names online. In response to his numerous calls and vulgar emails threatening us, we have opened a criminal harassment case with the local police department against Mr. Pickett. Interestingly, some of his early emails to us included cussing at us, threatening us and telling us how great of a company we are and how he just wants to work for us again all in the same email. Here is a tip for you Mr. Pickett, verbally accosting people and trying to extort money from them is not an effective job hunting strategy and threatening and gesturing to beat up your supervisor is not a good way to keep a job! Respectfully, James Cross Jr. Office Manager, Cross Marine Projects