terriable service the man at the counter was the rudest most unprofessional person I ever met.my wife fell outside the store shes handicapped,not one employee asked if she was ok or can we give you a paper towel to wipe the blood up.we drove clear to alliquippa after the lady says I cant tell you if we have the amount you need without the script. so I go over after asking if they had enough I go in see mr.ignorace and they don't carry the medicine anymore.now let me explain something.after 6 yrs of getting the same meds for 6 yrs that pharmacist could only be 25 yrs old and to be treated like a criminal or that I was bothering them, I will be taking my wifes and myself scripts to a different pharmacy. your public relations dept. needs to take a very serious look at alliquippa store.teach them EVERYONE ISNT DRUG SEEKERS OR ADDICTS! this man cost you 1,200 a month in my wifes scripts and my scripts vary from 1600 - 3500 as im in a multiple surgery injury.as I said we were