Dr. Lee is hands down my favorite dentist I've ever been to. I lucked into finding him because my old employer's office was on the same floor as Dr. Lee. (From time to time, I put my detective hat on and asked people carrying their dentist goodie bags in the elevator about him, and they all said he was good.) After years AND YEARS of orthodontic appliances, I can thank my wonderful orthodontist for my smile, but my gums are very fragile, and I have problems with sensitivity from loss of enamel. Needless to say, going to the dentist can be pretty scary (and painful) for me. The first time I got my teeth cleaned by one of Dr. Lee's hygienists, I was amazed. The cleaning actually felt GOOD! So good in fact, that I've decided to get my teeth cleaned 3 times a year at Dr. Lee's just so I can have that squeaky clean feeling again and again. All of Dr. Lee's equipment is state of the art, and I'm always in awe of his use of the latest devices and technology. And I haven't just been there for sunshine and rainbow-filled cleanings. On my first appointment, they found FIVE cavities. I was pretty sad and embarrassed, but I'd been without dental insurance for over a year, and I love candy... so I knew it would probably be bad.. Anyway, I got all five fillings done at once, and I didn't have any problems at all. (With any other dentist, I've always felt like they ground my teeth down too much after the fillings or like something just wasn't right. Not so with Dr. Lee.) I'm again without insurance, and I no longer work anywhere near Dr. Lee, but I've decided to keep up my 3 cleanings a year and in fact have one tomorrow! Yay! Here's hoping no cavities! \r
Oh! I almost forgot - they know I love pink, so they always give me a pink toothbrush :) Icing on the cake!