Would not recommend ... took my jeep to be repaired there I told the guy at the desk I had the same problem about 2 years ago and the guy that use to work there fixed it. It was a common problem with the 2004 Jeep cherokee. I even told him where to look. I sat there 3 hours and he came out and told me they weren't sure what the problem was but this one part on the door didn't work and they ordered another one $664.00 for repair and he said my truck was complicated he hopes that's the problem. I said no I can't afford that just put the truck back together and I will wait. I went home got on youtube and and search the problem ... sure enough people with that 2004 cherokee had the same problem. I know nothing about cars and I was nervous but I did what the guy on youtube said ... I went out and pull the boot back on the side on the door to check the wires and sure enough there were two unattached wires. That's all that guy at Cottman could have done. The only reason I went on youtube because I was desperate and Knew there was no was I could afford to fix my car so I was searching for help. The only from Cottman sent me a email saying they are registered with the BBB and they tested that part and it came up bad and most likely won't work for long. Well it's working find right now and my windows are working, lights are working too. You may be registered with the BBB but that doesn't mean you are without fault. People trust your experience, I brought my truck there before and was satisfied when you had other people working for you ... you may want to check your staff. What if I had to give up my mortgage to fix my car and paid $664.00 and that wasn't even the problem. Even if the part will go bad in the future, be honest and say we can fix this now but you will need to replace it in the future. It is working now.