Nokomis Chiropractic is the sort of good practice place I’ve been looking for. They are dedicated to helping you get better and stay better. And they are all just such good, friendly people! Two things that first stood out to me that was great about them; On top of giving adjustment and chiropractic care every time you see them they are also teaching you how to help your health on your own, you do simple easy exercises that will help to improve your posture and overall spine and body health. It’s not at all just keeping you dependent upon them so you keep coming back. Not just the quick in, adjusted, and back out sort of chiropractic care I’ve had at other places. It’s really about getting you better for good and showing you how to do it. Another thing I really liked was that they take x-rays, how can you know completely what’s going on if you can’t see it? I found out some interesting things about my spine and where I need improvement. I never would have known wi