My Wife and I are quite pleased with the SUPERB care that Kelli Johnson has given our family. Having had other midwives in the past, we can both truly say that Kelli Johnson's expertise is second-to-none. My Wife and I are both professionals with higher education degrees and we approached our decisions to have a homebirth and to hire Kelli Johnson quite scientifically. Our growing family has experienced our latest births with Kelli and those have been cherished moments and all on OUR time. Kelli respected our space and never interfered with the birthing process. And throughout the process, we were both comforted by knowing and feeling that Kelli can handle anything. As the father of one of the many families that Kelli has assisted I would like to encourage other dads who might be on the fence regarding homebirths to explore the option - coming from an initial skeptic, I can attest to the fact that this was the best birthing option and decision that we made for our children. And to be clear, Kelli Johnson's professionalism and impressive capability allows my Wife and me to recommend her with the highest degree of confidence.