10/17/2013 \r
One word: Dirty\r
This diner used to be really good until recently. My last 2 dining experiences were not enjoyable (to say the least) Had lunch there in August and spent the hour waving off flying bugs. October 16th had lunch and was given dirty utensils (twice) The second set appeared to have not been washed at all. With that, lost appetite and left (without paying bill as we did not eat what was ordered) Needless to say I will not be going back there [ever]. And based on several of the other reviews, neither will others: \r
i.e. Robert M. 10/1/2013- The Red Oak used to be our favorite diner until my wife spit out a cockroach that was in her omelet! Now we know as gross as that is that it does happen but the response from the waitress when we told her was, honest to GOD, ""thank you for not making a scene because last week a woman found a roach in her food and started screaming at the top of her lungs""!!! Uh really...how about getting a better exterminator? The manager didn't make us pay and thanked us for not making a scene! I will never step foot in that place again! \r