Stay away !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amigo Energy Stay away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\r
I have paid my account on time and find out yesterday that I got an early termination notice that my power is to be turned off. I never requested for my power to be turned off. I have been with this company only 2 months. My 1st payment was sent and gone through my bank as paid on time. The rep yesterday tells me that some requested the power to be turned off. I never nor did I look at any other companies to switch. I want my power turned back on. My family has to check into a hotel tonight. \r
I spoke to one of their rep with an hour of their email to me that the power was requested to be turned off. That was 2 days ago and they told me that there was nothing to worry about.\r
On top of all that they are charging me a 125 fee\r
I want my fee refunded 125 and hotel stay - I want my power on today!– \r
Stay away !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!