This daycare/prepschool is really a mess and glad we have tried only for a month. As stated in my title this one doesn't deserve not even a single *, its such a mess.\r
The teachers throws the food to the kids...just like throwing food to dogs. For god damn sake there are plates on the table and can't they bend their as** and server food? If the food falls on the table then they simply put that on the plate. When questioned about this they say bulls&*&t stories and nothing to the point.\r
Their standard or teaching is really subpar when compared to other centers nearby and I have see it with my kids during that one month, they lost what they have learned. \r
As with previous recommendation I'll never ever recommend this to my friends.\r
I believe the problem is with the center director (young Spanish girl), who is young and kind of dumb...but thinks she is smarter than every one.