Hello, Dr. Hanson & Staff(: you guys have been an amazing help. I love how friendly and helpful you all are. I would like to thank all of you for the help and making sure everything is working out and that new injuries dont pop up. I was having problems in between my shoulder blades, posture, and neck. The pain was consistant and was causing me to have major problems with doing everyday things; do to car accident. Since I have been coming to you guys for a few months now, not only is my posture better, but I have no pain at all. Being adjusted and doing traction has had an incredible impact on my body. I don't feel aggrivated do to inflamed shoulder blades, I can sit up straighter, and my neck doesn't have a lump behind it. The Hanson Chiropractic office has been a great experience. I had never set foot in a chiropractic office before and this has taught me alot about the body in healing from the inside out(: I never knew what that meant and coming here has taught me that keeping healthy and trying to have good posture can do so much for you;not just from the outside, but the inside. I hope this will help other's and motivate them to visit Hanson Chiropractic at least once. I would like to thank everyone once again because I never knew this type of experience and I loved it.