If I could make mine a NEGATIVE Start I would. This place is a money grabbing lying stealing business. The clock repair man in the back told me several times my 2 clocks were worth $1500 to $2000 and $3000 to $5000. He told me it would cost about $350 to get them in selling order. I Did not want to pay the money because money is tight, but he reassured me that my clocks were worth it. A month goes by and I get a call that they are done. I go in to pick them up and I ask for a written appraisal so I could sell the clocks. The Store owner Ira laughed at me when I told him the value I was given. He said I should not watch antique road show. I made him go get the old man and bring him out to me. Of course the old man said he would never give anyone a value. He does not do that he only repairs clocks. They are such lairs and they held my clocks hostage until I paid their ridiculous cleaning price. DON'T TAKE OR BUY ANYTHING FROM THEM EVER!!!!! I learned a $600 lesson!