I find it awfully funny how people can write a bad review of Aldridge and Chambers, I've been dealing with them off and on since 2001 and I have never had a problem, granted I have NEVER taken a pos Ryobi to them for repair, but I bought a Stihl Chain saw at a pawn shop and they sold me parts for it with no problem, I needed a new chain brake and the service advisory told me EXACTLY how to install it. The only reason repairs take so long is they are a busy shop with a LOT of work, that is first come first served......duh.\r
Here's an update on them too, I just bought a Stihl 55R weed eater form there for $219 and the salesperson was one of the best I have ever dealt with, he acted like I knew what I was looking for and helped me find exactly what I wante din a trimmer, he also offered me any and all accessories that I needed for my new weedeater.\r
Any of you who write a bad review of Aldridge and Chambers need a cup of coffee to wake up