I?m 41 and finally having Fun! I have spent the last 20 years of my life trying every single diet fad, diet plan and diet system ever invented. I have spent a lot of time and money on all the diets you read about and see advertised. I have had great success with all of them, always being able to lose 10-30 lbs. I have always tried my hardest to stick with the diets only to fail every time and find that in the end I have gained more than I actually lost. I kept on trying every new diet fad because at the age of 34 I now had two children; a 3-year-old son and a 1-year-old daughter. They had energy and I didn?t have any at all! They wanted to play and I was just to BIG to run, hop, chase or play. As my kids were getting older, I was getting wider, grayer and always feeling fatigued and my constant failure to loose weight left me hopeless.