Run Away!! I agree with an earlier post about this place. Never ever again. After foolishly giving them $100 to diagnose a problem with an acoustic amp you have to call them and wait for a return call from the owner who for absolutely no reason has the paperwork at his house (??). He calls you and rambles incoherently about what he thinks is wrong with it giving an irreconcilable additional $$ number to fix it. You tell him that it's way too much money to put in an old amp to which he responds some lame rationale that over the course of the years that I've had it that it is a small maintenance on a per month basis; but he would call you back after talking to his tech to see if they can reduce their commission (what? - keep in mind this is supposed to be the owner). He calls back and tells me they can reduce the total figure by nearly $100 but in the same conversation works the total back up to a number only $40 less (trust me it made no sense). I get tired of all the double talk and tell them I would be picking the amp up. Four hours later I go to pick it up and they don't have it ready to release back to me and you stand there feeling like a goon trying in vain to get a straight answer from the employees. They refer this to someone that is out and tells you there is no paperwork and you are approached by this sad little lady there that rudely tells you that I have to listen to her - - and after listening to her I realized she's told me NOTHING except that the owner is out. 10 minutes later some guy comes out with the amp on the dolly. Argh! I am sooooo ticked that I handed $100 to this rip off business and still have no idea what is wrong with it. I have since heard from two other friends with similar experiences. I wished I'd have done more research before going to this place. My amp is now with another electronics repair shop that was recommended by one of those friends. They only needed $40 to diagnose the problem. Live and learn.