DR LEE COMMITS MALPRACTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\r
With ALL SINCERITY DO NOT GO HERE!!! If you had work done here get it REDONE ASAP! have witnessed first hand that Dr Lee will leave decay your teeth on PURPOSE!!! His brother is his top referring endodontist and you will be manipulated! \r
If ANY decay is left in your tooth, after any procedure, the decay will continue to grow! Decay also spreads to other teeth as well! You will have to come back for a root canal if you go here. \r
He has settled out of court with numerous patients \r
His from office manager keeps tons of incriminating patient x rays as blackmail so she can keep her job.... Do not listen to her she is a manipulator as well!\r
I have seen him permanently recement a crown with tons of decay underneath it\r
I have seen him misdiagnose cavities so they will become more of a problem\r
I saw his break off a healthy tooth with his hands and then got the pt to pay out of pocket for a build up and a crown!\r
I have seen him permanently cement crowns with open margins! That will cause decay and you will have to get your crown redone!\r
There are many more problems with Dr Lee. This dentist commits malpractice PLEASE do not go here!