Soooo we went all the way to this diner because we were bored.... Walking in I felt like I was back in the 50's. The tables and booths were black and white nostalgic awesomenesses. The waiters and floor staff were dressed more like be-boppers than waiters.\r
My waffle was SLAMMIN for real! I am very particular on how I like my waffles. Me and my fat girl alter ego eat waffles with breakfast and dinner. Don't ever in your weak life hand me a soft on the outside waffle, or a not soft on the inside one. Better make sure it is crispy on the out and soothing on the in...k?\r
Hub of course ordered the chicken fingers which he said were most likely frozen precooked. My little girl was very pleased with her silver dollar pannies. Ohhh, they make good taylor ham. Call it pork roll and see what happens.... But yea it is really good!