I can't imagine you have any conscious and are probably a psychopath, but I truly hope your karma comes to you slowly, methodically, and painfully throughout the duration of your miserable life. I WISH I had seen these reviews before booking this company. They changed their nameS SO MANY TIMES!\r
THE WORST Scam artists. For $350 cash these guys came to my house in a brown beat up van with no branding. A red flag went off when I saw their lack of equipment. The 2nd red flag went off when they started running threw the house at top speed giving my carpets a wet vacuum. I seriously take more time to vacuum my floors than these guys did cleaning my carpets. One cursory pass over the carpet and done. I've had my carpets cleaned many times and always noticed how long it would take a real company to go over the carpets to pull out dirt. This was terrible. After the crew left, I noticed how their hoses scuffed up and tore up the new paint on my walls. A day later, the urine smell was back. So much for their ""Crystalization Method"" that was sure to get rid of even the strongest of pet odors.