We are happy with the product and sales experience however they are very expensive for the product (Vinyl floors) we chose.
Client appears to be very happy with service, quality, installation, our responsiveness and professionalism as he reported on Angie's List. Gave us "C" which is average, only in price category. I think most people would agree doing everything else at an "A" level would mean it's not going to be the lowest price. Client forgot to say he originally placed his order with Empire Carpet which was at a higher price than what we had come up with but was not comfortable with them. He said after investigating he saw our excellent rating on Angie's list and called us. After an in home meeting with the client where we showed what turns out to be a better product they decided to cancel their order with Empire and place their order with us. When he cancelled his order with Empire they told him they would lower their price to meet our price plus include the moving of furniture. My question is why didn't Empire offer them the right price in the beginning? My other question is did our client forget all about this? Even after receiving Empire's "revised" quote, client decided to stay with us. Low price does not mean a good value. A good value is when you score an "A" in all the categories that that are important to a quality product and installation. That being said we greatly appreciate his business and look forward to doing business again with him as well as with his friends and family.