Me and my girl were in Vegas on vacation and looking to shoot some guns so we looked up local firing ranges and this one was the closest to out hotel (luxor). Once we got in, there were two females at the counter, one of which knew as much as my 7 year old stepson while the other was a bit more knowledgeable. We looked over they're package deals which are diffrent from what's advertised in the hotel booklets, until we found one we both wanted, we then had to wait as there were only 2 men escorting customers to the firing area, I'm guessing they were supposed to be rotating but one dude wasn't doing anything at all while the otherwise were getting his guests in and with that being said when we got there, there was only one party in front of us, we ended up going I believe 4th or 5th. While we were waiting I can say a positive thing happened, a guy I think he may have been the manager came up and asked my stepson had anyone let him pick out a wristband? He proceeded to take him over to the merchandise counter and let him pick out two wristbands and gave them to him for free because he wasn't old enough to partake in the activities.