I was going through Gentleman Pages, noticed a coupon. I figured "why not" never tried... i went in looking for a message. I may not have gotten my message, but i truly had a great time. I saw Brook *hope spelling is correct* I had an amazing time. Have an open mind be polite and don't have expectations. That's what i did, and i swear I'll be coming back again, to see her. Remember i went in for a message nothing more... i had a great time. Wanted to share, and can't wait to see her again. I would also say, if your going in to a place like this, go in with a fixed amount of money you want to spend. Because yes this is a biz, and they will like to make as much as they can... This was the first place i've been to were i stated how much i had, and that was left at that, not the daunting if you had more this could happen, or do you have a CC. That in it self made me more comfortable than any other place i've seen in Illinois. Brook you are beautiful and amazing and thank you ag