Dishonest sales practice, lie to get you in the door and then pass you off from person to person to try and close deal. I strongly conveyed my interest and expectations so as not to waste my time or theirs over the phone with internet sales person. I further expressed that to her in an email again asking her not waste my time and taking the steps to provide her with the vin numbers of the vehicles we liked. She was very empathetic saying that they could help us and meet our needs. She said quote, ""I have already gotten with the Sales Manager and went over everything with him, and we will definitely be able to help you. We have never lost a customer because of price."" This is the only reason that I took my family to their dealership, with the understanding on both sides that no wasted time or back-handedness would occur. What I got instead, was being passed from her to three other people for almost 3 hours, with me having to explain to each person what I was looking for. In turn I got every person trying to sell me the same vehicle at the same price in a different way. Even after speaking with the Sales Manager and for the third time explaining the situation and him saying he could get us down to $575-$600 on a payment. I get my intelligence insulted with the finance guy coming and trying to explain credit and rates to me. Then have him offer me the vehicle at $47,000 with the same exact price not a thing changed from the moment I originally spoke with them, and a payment of $749.