@ Bob T.\r
Wow... For a company that I've personally researched and found to have over 8,000 regularly serviced customers and growing with over 2,000 added every year since they started in Denver 4 years ago... It doesn't sound a company that is hurting to me. I met the salesman you are referring to... he said your son instigated the aggression and disrespect to him, telling the salesman multiple times to ""go screw yourself"" and ""you're such a dumb a$$"" which you failed to mention. Also, that your garage was wide open and could be seen from the street (no need to be ""peeked"" in to). The paint on the walkway was completely dry (you didn't mention that either btw). If you're going to try to defame an upstanding company like Edge Pest Control, at least state the whole story. I heard your neighbors literally next door and across the street still ended up using Edge service from the same salesman even after you tried to coax them out of it... is that true?