Who would have thought the best place to sell my gold bars I bought over 20 years ago when I was in the Navy visiting Turkey would be in a Jewelry Store by the name of Acori Diamonds & Design. I tried both pawn shops and coin dealers but never made the sale because I always felt I wasn't getting a realistic return based on current spot. It doesn't matter what I paid 20 years ago, that's irrelevant and I think where I made my mistake. I shouldn't have told them that part, they thought they could just throw any big number at me & I'd accept. Acori was different. Connie & Bill are really personable professionals and their offer was strong so I took it. And yes I made 500% over my original investment ( on 5 ounces :) but I would not have if it weren't for Acori Diamonds & Design. So Thank You Bill & Connie...