Hope you can appreciate this review, since I had a lot of trepidation about having my lower wisdom tooth removed and after having an upper taken out a few years ago, I did not look forward to reliving that unpleasant and painful experience, and heard the lower wisdom was even more of a challenge getting out while the client was only given a local anesthetic like in the case of my first extraction. I also wanted to keep my tooth and the first two surgeons I called told me they don't do that and it was considered medical waste. One of those surgeon's receptionist even acted like a tyrant and stated that it was "against the law". Well, it's my tooth and it's not against any law.||[]||[]When I first called Dr. Akin's Office I spoke with Kelly; she was very helpful and gave me an appointment to see Dr. Akin in less time than I ever would have imagined. This was not an emergency appointment either and I was paying out-of-pocket. Kelly, told me to just inform the doctor before the surgery to retain my tooth if I wanted to keep it. Great, but I still had reservations and concerns about the visit. ||[]