I called before heading there to make sure they could get me in to diagnose a power steering leak. I got there around one or so, and the car wasn't looked at until the next morning. That's all fine and well. What was particularly wrong was this: their diagnosis was that the power steering pump was cracked (about $450), the lines ""might"" be leaking (bringing the pump up to about $750), and that the rack and pinion was leaking (about another $800 or so). This left me clearly stunned, as a fill of the pump lasted nearly a week--I wouldn't think that possible if the whole system was leaking. Nonetheless, I paid the fifty dollars for the diagnosis, and took my car to another mechanic. This mechanic TIGHTENED THE LINES connected to the power steering pump (they were only loosened, somehow), and changed a gasket between the pump and resevoir. Less than a hundred dollars later, the problem was fixed, and the fluid is still in there three weeks later. I got charged $50 for them to falsely and slowly tell me that my entire power steering system needed to be replaced for a single gasket.