To Big Berk. When they are informed of the law by reference and official web address they ignore it and sell stolen vehicles anyway. If that is the strictest adherence to the law they ALL need to be put out of business. You probably got into trespass tow so you could steel cars and get away with it. I know tow owners who left the business because of the criminal intent. To Trish88 After they towed my first truck I called them and demanded they return it or the law would be involved, within 12 hours they retaliated by taking my second truck. Both removals were in violation of Consumer Affairs protocol and Howard County law. Management finally called me after a good 7 or 8 messages and after reading him (Mr Robert Carroll) the Howard County Code sec.17.600-612 and telling him where to find it online he promised to call me back but never did. Shortly afterward I find my truck has been transferred to a recycling company while a lawsuit is in progress. I refuse to pay extortion. The company is organized for criminal activity.