In July of 2011, a new pastor assumed leadership of St. Paul's. Her leadership has turned the church daycare and preschool into a caring loving respectful place. Cindy Lopez was replaced by Tameka Grimes as director of the preschool day care. Many of the staff was replaced. Please note that the previous review was written on March 3, 2011 which was four months prior to Rev. Pam Rowley assuming leadership. Under her leadership in conjunction with Tameka Grimes many changes have taken place all for the good of the school and children. All staff and volunteers have completed and are kept up-to-date on the Safe Sanctuaries program. CPR classes and renewal sessions are offered periodically. Safety locks had been installed on the exterior doors so that they may not be opened by children. All these changes have been made to ensure the safety and well-being of the children.
Visitors are welcome to tour the facilities and personally make their own evaluation. As a retired teacher with 27 years’ experience I am impressed with the facilities, the staff and their caring attitude. Jon Buchynsky