This church really sucks! The atmosphere of this church is filled up with pent up stress. Plus the Pastor there is greedy and He is a False Prophet. Also It's just like what DeziLove916S said Because I experience this too as well. If you want to know where the money is going you can request a private meeting with the dictator or Pastor (both the same person.) Just be prepared to get the run around. The man got his hand in many business ventures from Sacramento insights, the bookstore, the daycare, the news paper and his business consulting company. ""It takes money to fund the gospel"" is what they will say but lets not talk about his trips to Texas or flying his family around. The private school tuition for his grandkids, the house, all his kids are employed through the church. There is a guilt message at every offering time, its such a shame.
The preaching is repeative... Be consistent, check with God, read ur bible, but the messages are often manipulated and he jumps around the bible. He doesn't give any background history he will tell a personal story about himself instead.
P.S. When your there inside the church they say your family but when your outside of the church or dont come to church, they don't treat you like family and they don't even try to have a real family relationship with you like a real family does and plus they talk crap about you behind your back. The people here are at this church are fake and It's a dang shame!