Strike #1: First appointment I was in the waiting room for an hour and they said it would be at least another 30 mins to be seen so I had to reschedule after wasting an hour. They never had the courtesy to tell me they were running late.
Strike #2: Less than a year later I'm heading to the tropics and needed malaria pills. Not a big deal, standard issue pills to make sure I don't get sick. I don't take any meds so no chance of interaction. Dr. insists I come in for a full office visit in order to get the prescription. They say not to worry about the cost-they'll bill to my insurance. Of course, my insurance only covers 1 check up a year. I tell the receptionist that and the Dr. gets on the phone and yells at me (!) that I have to come in for him to write a prescription for malaria pills. I tell him that I've never had any one else need a full office visit for malaria pills. He says maybe I should find a new doctor.. . .
So I did. . .