I just want to let everyone know how great everyone at Jude Law is - from the moment you walk in the door to the end of your creditors meeting and afterwards - they treat you with total respect and concern for your financial future. When you call or email with a question the respone is quick and knowledgeable. I have recommended Jude Law to 5 other couples so far and to date 4 of those 7 have gone - the others are getting ready - you would never have any doubt that your case would be handled with professionalism and accuracy. Also, one more key note as I sat in my creditors meeting I watched other council as they did not have their paperwork together and their clients were not prepared - and you sit and think oh my goodness I hope I do better then that person. When you walk up to the table - you sit down next to Michael Jude and your worries disappear - he puts you right at ease - you are in and out within a few minutes because he has everything in order and he has prepared you for this meeting!! HE IS GREAT!!!!!! If ever you consider or have to file Bankruptcy - they are your firm!!!!!!!!! I am very grateful to them all!!!!!!!!!