This company just like most credit repair companies is a total rip off! you can do what they are promising to do yourself in the same amount of time. All it takes is a little research on the net, negotiate with your creditors, pay them over time. They can't make miracle happen as they claim, please please don't let them rip you off... The testimonials are lies, more than likely these are people who work for them that would spend your money with them if you pay them. You have to pay your debt to get your credit restored or negotiate with your creditors to forgive most if not all interests added or reported!
Learn from my mistake don't give them a penny of your money please please... ! At the very worst if you choose to do this use more viable credit repair companies that charge a whole lot less than this con artist. The lawyers they claim they use are barely affiliated with them, they just use their name to sound and look legit. And they give that rip off law firm a little bit of your money in the process. I am not sure what loophole they are using to make this a legitimate rip off scam businesss but don't allow them to rip you off of your hard earned money!! Use the money to pay one or 2 of your creditors, you will be much much happier you did!!
Enough said!