My name is Debra Goudreau. I have been struggling with BiPolar Mania since 1989 and have been hospitalized five times since then. I have been through extensive therapy of every kind. I have taken medication on and off, the list to long to go into here. I met Adrienne three years ago. I knew she did Hypnotherapy but was uncertain to try it. Recently after much consideration and know knowing Adrienne through having my hair done by Toni, I came to trust her. We have had 5 sessions and the results are truly amazing. My life, since I was born, has been nothing but trama and drama. My parents back in 1958 brought me into the world but couldn't except the responsibility. I've never seen a pic of my mother and saw my Father four times in my life. I've had five marriages, and made bad choices over and over. The great news is, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger and with Adrienne's help I am finally getting to the roots of my problems. Toni, her daughter, has helped me greatly with my diet. She is a awesome woman of God and truly has a passion to see the world in great health. Therefore I highly recommend them both to the world!!!! They have and continue to change my life and are helping me become the women God always intended me to be. If you have been struggling in your life like me, love yourself enough to explore the possibilities that are available to you at Revelation Beauty Spa & Wellness Center.
Debra Goudreau