As a Fiduciary with over 25 years experience working with the elderly and disadvantaged, it is increasingly frustrating to deal with the outright falsehoods and absurd rantings posted on the internet. In my work with conservatorships and trusts, I have been appointed by the court on approximately one thousand cases. These cases have generated over two thousand accountings which are scrupulously reviewed by court officers (each client, over the years, may have multiple accountings due). I have never been found to have unduly or inappropriately enriched myself. In many instances I have used my own money to care for clients whose resources were exhausted. I don't believe attorneys in the Sacramento area would continue to refer cases to me if my reputation were damaged.
Specifically, some of the attacks on this site demand a response. The unfortunate gentleman whose slander includes claims of ""embezzlement"" and claims I should ""be in prison"" has a diagnosed mental condition, has no means of support, and recently exhausted the modest trust his parents hoped would keep him secure. I managed every penny precisely as the trust directed, and the accounting was approved by the court. Now he has no one to blame for his situation other than his trustee. Another person complained of unanswered phone calls, yet often times there are confidentiality issues which prevent communication. Another situation involved the death of a client's elderly father. He spent his last two weeks in the care of Hospice, which has an outstanding reputation for final care. I was not the individual's Power of Attorney for Health Care (another family member had that designation). Though there was no connection between myself and the final care for the deceased, it is very easy for an angry individual to say whatever they wish on the internet. When confronted with the fact that all my actions are/were approved by Superior Court, these angry individuals simply argue that a vast conspiracy of fiduciaries, judges, attorneys and court officers exists. I am sorry for their pain and anger, but I cannot condone their vicious, untrue attacks.