I have had two seat covers made by this place and and recommended many people to them. But this time I asked for them about the way my last cover fit and if it could be done a better way the lady I spoke to said that they don't do that and that the flap that they used would cover up the armrest and it would look nice.Problem !!! the armrest dose not have a cover and the flap don't cover the armrest when it is down. The flap is in the away when the armrest is down, the only way the cover looks good is when it covers the armrest . When I ask her to make it the way i wanted she said that is the only way they made it and that she could make me a cover for the armrest but when asked about the flap she said It could be removed, but that would leave stitching marks. (she rolled her eyes). For 160.00 dollars I think that the seat cover should the way I want it. she would not take it back and make it the right way. I can not recommend them again. there customer service sucks! and the seat cover dose not fit well or cover the hole seat and arm rest.