I dont write reviews much but this time I felt it necessary. While taking group fitness classes here I have seen everything from unprofessional conduct to warddrobe (near) obscenity to just plain dont know that theyre doing. This time was the straw that broke the camel's back. In a class a new lady was standing near the back of the class and apparently she wasnt using enough enthusiasm with the moves and the instructor walked back and asked her name. She then proceeded to tell the class the rest of the hour ""dont do it like so and so- unless you dont want a good workout. "" I believe the instructor was trying to humorously make a statement but I felt so sorry for the poor lady and she looked as if she were about to cry and the dumb instructor never got the picture. I've also taken other classes here in which the instructors have asked the class members to do dangerous moves that were incorrect (especially in a class of unexperienced exercisers.) I inquired about whether the staff had to have certifications and the manager seriously tried to talk me into teaching and told me I didnt need one. With such a pricey membership I expected more. I just say- beware!!!