These people are extremely sneaky and underhanded. I understand that they are trying to run a business but their mistakes are their problem. I bonded my father out of jail for $2500 and that bond was paid for. A couple of days later he was re-arrested and needed another bond. Always Available took his word (a criminal mind you) that the second bond would be taken care of. I DID NOT sign or agree to the new bond. My father was sentenced and the second bond was never paid for. I just received a letter in the mail stating that I owe $2650. When I called to inquire about this bill first I was yelled at and spoken to as if I were a child and then Tina hung up on me. When I called back I spoke to Cat and she pretty much said that my father screwed them and in turn they would screw me. I asked them to mail or fax me paper work showing that I signed for the additional bond and they pretty much ignored that request because they knew they were 100% wrong. These people are bullies and manipulative AVOID THEM AT ALL COST!!!!!