You need to see pbs dot org/wgbh/pages/frontline/real-csi/
ACFEI Amercian College of Fornsice Examiners International is what Doyne claims on his web site.
What about honesty and character?
So this man is a Child Custody Evaluator?
Aren't Honesty and Character the ABCs of who should make an honest decision for those kids?
Doyne LIED about his instructorship and professorship.
Doyne LIED about the Rules of Court and did not did file his Mandatory FL-326 for Tax evasion purposes. When he was caught about this issue he then filled out the forms post-haste, even though he lied under the penalty of perjury about signng these forms.
Doyne LIED about His wife being an employee in his office and when she never was.
His wife collected unemployment when she never was.
Doyne LIED about his Specialty Certification Diploma source, where it was actually from the ACFEI who sold another bogus credential to a cat and prison inmate too.
This man is a fake, has well organized pathology, and is a very good actor.. That is it...Never trust.
Never trust him.