just make sure you do not go to tami for an updo.she doesn't know anythying about fashion.she doesn't know what is she doing.I went there for my sister wedding. after an hour of working with my long hair she made an smooshi shrinked updo, and she put so much hair spray in my hair to make it look good., but you could tell that it was falling apart.she did a terible job, and when I told her that I don't like it. she got mad and said you don't have enough hair.however I went to another salon and in just 10 min she did what I asked for.it's better you say that I can't do it rather than just ruining someones very important day.I'm happy that my sister didn't end up with tami. she was with chelsea she did a great job.people be aware don't you ever let tami touch your hair.
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