Slumlords are generally irresponsible landlords who spend little or no money and effort maintaining their rental properties. One of the worst is Mrs.Susan of Naples fl Harmony Shores MHP, Kicking black residents out for no reason, taking advantage of them by robbing them, trespassing, and breaking lease agreements! She is a generally irresponsible landlord who loves to violate lease agreements, and kick residents out for no reason. I recently went to court fighting being evicted for non payment when she refused to take my money unless i ""gave her my keys"" well I won in court so kma susan.The police came to my house with a warrant for someone else and even apologized for pulling me out of my house then my trailer was burglarized and I called the police and made a report so the officers came out for MY statement and she told me I had to much police action at my house? FROM A POLICE MISTAKE OR WHEN SOMEONE STOLE FROM ME? It was so funny when the judge told her to ""stop trying to be a lawyer"" in court. Also while fighting the eviction she put my water and electric on hold do I had to live without either for 3 wks until I beat the eviction and she had to remove the hold but it wasnt right for her to put the hold in the first place thats why I WON! My opinion THE WORST PLACE EVER TO LIVE, DRAMA, DRAMA, DRAMA. STAY AWAY!!!!