Took my dog in to get spayed, three days later the staples were coming apart. My dogs’ incision was open and held together from both ends by two staples only instead of the ten they had put there. Took her back in and they kicked me out saying that the vet checked the wound and it looks good and there is nothing wrong with it even though I could see the opening with my own eyes. They told me that this time there is no charge but if I bring her back in they’re going to charge me. I didn’t care what they say I took my dog to Garden Grove emergency pet hospital they looked at my dog and they couldn’t believe how GOLDEN STATE HUMANE SOCIETY first closed the wound on my the dog and second they way they treated me when I took her back in even though they know they did something wrong they just choice not to fix it. The emergency vet had to put my dog under to get all the lose staples out clean the wound and close her back up the correct way. I had they emergency vet take pictures of the wound before they did anything for my record, they also tried to call GSHS to speak to them about my dog and they wouldn’t talk about the situation. The emergency vet wrote a detailed report of very thing that was wrong with my dog due to lack of improper care by GSHS.